Communism is for us not a state of affairs to be established… We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. .”

Karl Marx

We’re All In This Together: Our Inaugural Abolition Intensive

Over the course of three days in late August, some 60 current and future organizers across the city and as far afield as Atlanta and North Carolina joined us to break bread, connect to one another, and begin to understand the world differently together. We walked away with our heads buzzing and our hearts full, better prepared to confront the urgent tasks of tomorrow—and to do so together.

We began Friday evening with a screening of the film Mangrove School about revolutionary guerrilla education in Guinea-Bissau, followed by a conversation about what revolutionary education means. Saturday and Sunday mornings were dedicated to intensive conversations about what abolition and reconstruction mean for revolutionary struggles today. Participants brought a wealth of experience into the room, and we worked together to collectively to shape those experiences into new knowledge and strategies for the future.

In the afternoons, were grateful to be joined by our partners at the Amistad Law Project and Community Resource Hub, as well as Sunrise Movement, Students for the Preservation of Chinatown, and the People’s UC Townhomes, who presented on their ongoing work and gave participants a chance to see how theory becomes concrete practice. As the weekend came to a close, and we prepared to return to our own organizing invigorated and motivated, we repeated some of our key affirmations for participatory education:

We’re All Intellectuals!
We’re All In This Together!
We Learn to Fight!
We Fight to Learn!
We Study the World to Change It!

This is our work, this is what we do. Please take a moment to continue to support our work by making a contribution here.

Photos by Ryan Collerd